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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Silverton Eye Care the leading provider of vision care products and services in Silverton.

Dr. Keirsten Eagles

KDEDr. Keirsten Eagles is a behavioral and developmental optometrist with a passion for helping children and adults with vision-related learning problems. Her firm belief that vision is not just about seeing 20/20 has prompted her to specialize in vision therapy and vision rehabilitation. Dr. Eagles splits her time between Silverton Eye Care, Eagle Eye Vision Care in Keizer, which specializes in vision therapy, and REvision in West Salem, which specializes in sports vision enhancement.

In her spare time, Dr. Eagles loves to play with her daughters, Emma and Adleigh, and their 2 doggies. She loves to water ski, swim, train for various triathlons and runs, and bake goodies to share.

Dr. Shoemaker

Dr. Allecia Shoemaker

Dr. Allecia Shoemaker was raised on a family farm in Minnesota. She attended Jamestown University where she met her Pacific Northwest native husband and earned a bachelor’s degree in biology. She then went on to receive her doctorate with honors at Pacific University College of Optometry.

Her passion is practicing full scope optometry including medical, neuro-optometric rehabilitation and vision therapy.Dr. Shoemaker has lived in Silverton since 2013 and has three kids who she enjoys chasing around their hobby farm.



Elena is our lead receptionist who is happy to schedule your appointment and answer any insurance questions you may have.

When she isn’t at work, she enjoys cooking, sewing, and spending time with her family.



Christina is our lead optician, she will help you select the best lenses for your visual demands. She is able to explain your vision benefits and can determine how to best utilize them.

In her free time, she loves to spend time with her husband and 2 kids. She loves the beach, hiking, and exploring new places.



Star is our primary technician and is responsible for getting each patient ready to see Dr. Eagles. She performs special testing and enters important medical information.

She is excited to meet and give quality care to every patient. Star enjoys spending time with her significant other and family. She likes to go on walks and hikes with her pets and husband.



Destinee is our other technician at Silverton Eye Care. She gets all the patients ready to see either Dr. Eagles, or Dr. Shoemaker.

Destinee grew up in Silverton and currently lives on a farm with pigs, cows, sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys, 2 dogs, and 3 cats. She is hoping to add a mini-donkey to the group. She enjoys gardening, DIY projects, and long walks on the beach.



Ashley is our primary optometric vision therapist at Eagle Eye Vision. She loves learning about the visual system and how it affects our other systems.

Her favorite part of her job is getting to know her patients and watching their quality of life improve through vision therapy.

In her free time she enjoys playing with her dog, crafting, spending time with family, and going to the beach, and reading.



Jasmine is our primary Vision Therapist at Silverton Eye Care, but you can also catch her helping out at Eagle Eye Vision Care.

She enjoys helping vision therapy patients achieve their goals and improve their quality of life. In her spare time, Jasmine enjoys soaking up any available sunshine, reading, baking, traveling, and going for walks with her Golden Retriever.



Vicki began working for Dr. Eagles when she opened Eagle Eye Vision Care LLC.

When Dr. Eagles purchased Silverton Eye Care LLC, in 2014 she has divided her time between the two locations. Vicki and her husband, Bob, moved from Arizona to Silverton 15 years ago. She loves the Silverton area and being involved in the community.

She has served on the Board of Directors for Blindskills, Inc. and the Silverton Chamber of Commerce. She enjoys working at both offices and knowing that the patients receive excellent care by qualified professionals. She loves watching the children flourish and gain self-confidence with vision therapy.


Clarissa has been working as the biller for Dr. Eagles at both Silverton Eye Careand Eagle Eye Vision Care LLC.

At work she finds the challenge of multitasking in a complex and interesting field rewarding and enjoys helping patients navigate the often complicated world of insurance and medical bills. Clarissa is an animal lover and spends as much time outside in nature as possible.

Her favorite days off are spent relaxing with her significant other and their dogs and cats or with a good book and a perfect cup of tea.

Photo of Ailene


Ailene is also one of our lead opticians and she is great at helping patients select frames and the best option for lenses. She is able to use insurance and maximize the benefits for our patients.

In her spare time, Ailene likes to be outdoors, you might even catch her on her daily walk around Silverton. She enjoys hiking, hanging with her cats, and going to the gym.